
The Journey of Resuming Playing the Piano

It has been over two and a half years since I started to play piano after I quit playing it when I was 13 years old. The idea of picking up playing the piano again came to me during the pandemic in Year 2020, when my mom asked me to teach her how to play the piano.

My parents gave my piano to my cousin when we moved to the States. So, to teach my mom, I bought a Yamaha P-125 digital piano which had weighted keyboard action that mimics the sound of an actual Yamaha grand piano.

I was a bit nervous when I first received the digital piano, because I wasn’t sure if I could remember how to play a piano. Luckily, my parents kept all of my piano lesson books, and I was able to pick it up quickly.

When I was little, I could barely meet my parents’ one-hour minimum practice requirement each day, but during the pandemic I found myself falling in love with playing the piano for hours every day. I’d be playing it right after I get off work, in the middle of night and first thing in the morning on the weekends.

I initially bought the digital piano because I wasn’t sure if I could follow through playing the piano the second time. After I realized that I truly enjoy playing the piano, I decided to get an actual piano if I could continue to play for three consecutive years.

It has been over two and a half years since I started to play the piano again. I now know for sure I want a real piano. I finally went to the piano store in January. After trying different pianos, I decided to get the Yamaha’s GC2 baby grand piano.Frédéric Chopin's Tristesse - New song Shirley Style is learning for February 2021

I am currently on the wait list for Yamaha’s GC2 baby grand piano and I was told it will take up to 5 to 6 months to receive the piano. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. By the time it reaches me after the 5 to 6 months waiting period, I would meet my 3-year goal.

I am very excited about my new piano. I already have a list of piano songs that I want to play immediately after the new piano arrives to my home. The piano song list includes Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune, Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata 1st movement, Chopin’s Nocturne No. 2, and many others. In the meantime, the only thing I could do is to wait patiently and continue to play and learn new piano songs.

Wine and Music